About Us

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Our mission is 100% customer satisfaction in terms of best prices, user-friendly interface, on-time delivery and friendly after sales service. We aim to attract new customers by giving them the best deals and to retain our existing customer base by constantly providing them value and discounts.

With the mission of reaching out to all Indian's who find it embarrassing or inconvenient to visit shops to buy sex devices, , lubricants & other such products. We aim to become a reliable and discrete place to counsel you and suggest the best solution.


As a Retailer, we understand the trust customers place in us to ensure the safety of the products we sell.

We take that responsibility very seriously. One of the important parts of our mission is to make sure we sell safe and hygienic devices that do not cause irritations or other medical conditions.

We are serious about safety and quality and are very concerned about how consumers use our products. Our product safety policies are based on our core value of protecting our consumers from unforeseen harm. Devices & lubricant we retail are all from well established brands and are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed all applicable safety standards from around the world.

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