Product Details

Basic Model 100ML Plain Lube with 3 Rings SKU: 12
Rs 4500.00 (5000.00)


Basic Model 100ML Plain Lube with 3 Rings The healthy life vacuum based Penis Pump is designed simply and efficiently to give you the stronger, bigger and longer lasting erections that you really desire. As our customers across the globe, including India have reported, continued use provides a consistently better quality erection as well as sustained increase in size. This penis enhancer includes 3 different size soft silicon rings, each in a different customize size to fit all sizes and use. The pump is made of very high quality polycarbonate plastic that will last you a very long time. The overall measure length of this pump is 7inches, and 5.3 cm wide. You will easily be able to see the difference in size as you pump, drawing more blood into the penis and creating a strong, longer lasting erection and improved performance. This pump is easy to use as well as easy to care for, set up and clean. With the proper amount of effort this penis enhancer could very well last an incredibly long time. You will see obvious results from the very first use, but as you continue using you will begin to notice that your results are more permanent. As with anything that you want to last care is important when using and storing and in this case it is important not to push too far. If you are ready to order your own healthy life vacuum based Penis Pump, feel free to place your order on our site today. We guarantee fast, free and totally efficient shipping that will get your order to you anywhere in the world. We ship reliably to countries across the globe including India. Once you have received your order, come back and tell us how you like it!. The penis pump makes penis enlargement dream come true. Not only will it enlarge your penis, but it also help make great erections better. Increase your size and your lover's satisfaction with this complete penis enlargement system. Maintain your erection as long as you wish. You'll be amazed by your own body!


Basic Model 100ML Plain Lube with 3 Rings

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